C: 28:some_function: Variable name "FOO" doesn't conform to 'variable-name-hint' template
C: 41: Constant name "exc3" doesn't conform to 'constant-name-hint' template
C: 57: Variable name "OOPS" doesn't conform to 'variable-name-hint' template
W: 18:some_function: Redefining name 'RuntimeError' from object 'exceptions' in exception handler
W: 20:some_function: Redefining name 'OSError' from builtins in exception handler
W: 20:some_function: Unused variable 'OSError'
W: 22:some_function: Redefining name 'MyError' from outer scope (line 7) in exception handler
W: 22:some_function: Unused variable 'MyError'
W: 45: Redefining name 'RuntimeError' from object 'exceptions' in exception handler
W: 47: Redefining name 'args' from object 'exceptions.RuntimeError' in exception handler
W: 49: Redefining name 'OSError' from builtins in exception handler
W: 51: Redefining name 'MyOtherError' from outer scope (line 36) in exception handler